Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'll never love!!!

I don’t want to marry.
Marry to anybody.
Engineer or doctor.
And I truly believe,
I love him utmost.
But I am afraid,
To speak about him,
To parents.
Even when they ask me.
If I have someone special
Who is my ultimate.
My heart stops me.
To raise my voice for him.
All my belief are broken,
And shattered.
The day I left him.
He screamed at me,
And shouted,
Whatever he liked.
As if I was the only one,
To be blamed at first.
I kept quite,
Coz I felt myself guilty,
To whatever I have done.
I didn’t know what to do next?
But surely, never forgive him,
For what he spoke then.
Those words itches my heart.
When so I remember him.
I have now realized,
The biggest fault I ‘have ever made.
Was to love him,
And lie for him.
I can never forget each day,
I tried to be happy
Being with him.
And sat besides him
To listen to him always.
And believed, I was made for him.
Why I am all alone,
With such nostalgic feeling?
Without you and my parents
I lost everything I suppose.
Never ever in my life.
I’ll love anybody
So much to die for him.
And lose him
To obey my parents at last.

I Loved and Lost

Why it all does happen?
To me all over again.
For the memories,
I struggled to forget.
Why is life testing?
Testing me all over again.
For the one,
I was blind in love,
I gave up everything.
Why did I smile?
To make him smile.
Why did I sake?
My vigor and honor for him.
Why did I lose?
Myself for him.
Why didn’t it work?
When I tried my best.
Why did I tried?
To make it all happen.
Why wasn’t I happy?
When everything worked well.
Why did I hid my feelings?
To make him feel better.
I have again been used.
Used by myself.
Again the things are the same.
With a difference.
I did it knowingly.
I feel pity for myself.
To risk my life
For the things,
That can never happen.
It’s the first time.
I have lost something.
But just not made
My parents cried.
I have lost...
All my beautiful days
I spend with you,
And lived for you.
But now could I,
Just live for myself?
Without the worthy tension.
For things to happen.
If I could just,
Smile for myself.
And better not risk again.
My life to swing,
On deadly pendulum.

A Song for you!!!

I’ll be yours, you’ll be mine
In every moment of the time.
When you’ll feel lonely,
I’ll there to join.
I’ll be yours all the time.
In the sunshine and the dine.
Together every time.
When you’ll be troubled,
I’ll lend a hand.
To walk with you
In every tracks of life.
When you’ll be in hard times,
I’ll be there to ease it down.
Clutching your hands,
And looking to your eyes,
To admire you, all the time.
I cannot stop, thanking God.
For making me yours.
I’ll be yours, you’ll be mine.
In the thoughts and the mind.
When you’ll be confused.
And puzzled, with a problem.
Big or small, together we’ll solve.
Through every walks of life.
Every today and tomorrow,
I see you to be mine.
Fighting all the way round,
To make you mine.
All through day and night,
I dream of you and me.
Together all the time.
I promise to be yours,
While all the hardships,
Never make you cry,
Bring back joy and harmony.
Through every walks of our life.

With Love, To Sis :-)

It was the dark late night
When a small angle
Stepped down from heaven.
She was the gift to us.
The moment of her birth,
Was the memorable moment ever.
Her small eyes and tiny feet,
Makes our whole family rejoice.
She was loving and gracefull.
The things she had taught me was unconditioned.
Everything what I’ve learn’t from her is remarkable.
Its now I realize the ral meaing of her presence.
Thanks for everything,
Its been lovly living with you,
Now when I’m far I remember you at last,
For all the things,
You made my world longlast.

Test It....

The love will never be so beautiful
If you’ll cherish it for long
The favorite will never be a favorite
If you’ll have it everyday
Your time can never be managed
If you can’t prioritize things now
The enemies will turn into your friend
If you’ll keep on criticizing them
You will never learn to win
If you have the fear to lose
The holidays will never be wonderful
If you have it very often
Love will never come back to you
If you don’t have importance of it today
The memories will never last for long
If you don’t keep the backups’
The knowledge will never last
If you can’t learn to share
The task will never be done
If you keep on piling them for tomorrow
You’ll never learn to drive
If you fear the risk of falling

I want to live!!

I want to live,
To see the better tomorrow.
I want to glance,
The happiness in my father’s eye.
I want to make,
My family proud.
I want to climb the ladder of life.
As fast as I could.
Without any barriers to cross.
I want to scream,
And break my golden cage.
I am anxiously waiting,
For the degree in my hand,
I want to remove
The hatred and jealousy around,
I want to grab,
All the beautiful memories.
I want to teach the world,
To love and share.
I want to remove,
The curtain of false world.
I want to learn more,
For this time will never return.
I want to put my faith,
But there is no one to rely on.
I want to do something adventurous,
As always the people are
standing wit their bullets on.
I want to stay with my parents.
For else, I hav to choose one.
I want to live my life
To the fullest, I can.
I want a helping hand,
To guide my tracks.
I want to remove,
The hatred from the world.
I want to be a better person,
For my brother,
who keeps an eye on me…..
I want to eradicate
All the evil from the world.
I want to thank wholeheartedly,
For the life,
God has given me.

My School

I was the little kid of three,
When I first entered my school.
It was the time I felt,
Like a chick coming out of nest to fly…
Full of enthusiasum,
For someone to guide me every morning.
The one who taught me,
From ABC to Integration and Calculus.
Every one was new to me,
They were all the torch of knowledge
Which no words or money can replace.
Their work with love, dedication & devotion,
For the cause of noble vocation.
Had made me obedient, smart and skillfull.
She’s is my mother, father and all,
She taught me the good and the bad,
The knowledge & memeories that were precious,
Helped me overcome all odds.
And made me turned into a masterpiece
Developed my skills and talents,
That was the cause of my overall development,
For everything I’ve learnt,
Is a gift of school.
From singing, dancing, painting, speaking, learning to creating..
School is an inspiration to me.
All the time spent with you,
Is a memorable one.
You are the guiding lamp.
Every sight of you speaks up,
The beautiful moments spent with you.
School days were the best,
But the only tension were the test.
For here, I started develoing as a whole,
With pure mind and sacred soul.
Step by step proceeding towards my goal,
To achieve my roadway of success.
What more could I give to you,
Other than the words of thanks…
For what you have given me is priceless,
Life was a fun and encouraging with you,
And now its so difficult without you.
It’s as hard to leave you,
As a daughter to their parents home.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sometimes in life!!!

Sometimes in life,
You don’t get what you desire.
Yet the hope persists,
The belief never to give up and try again.

Sometimes in life,
You lost your track.
Just hear to your inner conscience,
The voice which will never let you back.

Sometimes in life,
You meet failures and disguise.
You get depressed and disheartened,
Never loose hope and try for it again.

Sometimes in life,
You get attached to someone special.
For whom you devote your entire life,
Seek that he doesn’t become your weakness.

Sometime in life,
You miss the reason to move forward.
Look what are you desired to do,
And believe god will guide you the best.
When Life gives you an opportunity,
Opportunity you get in a lifetime..
Don't miss out the right time to grab it.

Life is like a river..
Calm soothing but very dangerous,
Don't get trapped in its whirlpool.

Life is like a puzzle..
With pictures in wrong place
Play the game in full dedication.

Life is like a glass of water..
Half full or half empty
Its the way you deal with it.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

So many roles, I have to play?

So many life's ?
I have to live.
So many trials?
I have to take.
So many roles?
I have to do.
For my life?
To run as well.
A faithful lover,
A loving daughter,
A prideful sister,
And a loyal friend.
Roles to play.
Every there and then.
How much will I hide?
My feelings to myself.
How long will I?
Just talk to myself.
How long I have to forgo?
With this deep depression.
How long I'll feel guilty?
For things I have done.
Is it the end of roles?
Or have to see still more…
The time have changed,
But the things haven't.
Every thing in place,
And I Underneath.
What a mechanical life?
Remotely controlled by all.
To follow the orders,
Complain not or else suffer.
And walk with all eyes on?
For how much long?
Will life keep playing…
Roles for me?
Oh! Almighty God.
You have been great.
To help me overcome,
Through all difficult situations,
And bring me back in peace.

Learn to be happy

Always learn to be happy,

With each bite of food , you eat.

Learn to be happy,

With the happiness of others.

Learn to love others,

Even when he dislikes you.

Learn to care for others,

Even when he hits you.

Learn to spread laughter,

Even when someone insults you.

Learn to help others,

Even when the other cheats you.

Learn to show emotions,

When it's the need of hour.

Learn to respect others,

For he will always give the same.

Learn to pray to god,

For he is the only one who listens to you.

Learn to win trust,

For thy is the most reliable person.

Learn to be gentle to poor,

For they needs your utmost care.

Learn to live and enjoy life.

In all the adverse situations.

Learn to learn all the time.

For every breath you take.

Learn to be polite and humble,

For that wins the interest of others.

Learn to love,

For all your problems will be solved.

Mine is the one…

Is your college exciting?
Is it full of crowd?
And laborious work all around?
Do you have your uniform?
And rooms without electricity.
Then mine is the one.

Does your teacher teach?
And the students learn?
Is your class a zoo?
With all animals in a room,
Then mine is the one.

Do you enjoy your class?
With 100% attendance.
Do you gossip and giggle.
And irritate your teachers?
Then mine is the one..

Does our computers work.
And the programs run?
Have you been ever caught?doing mischief?
And have affected your term work?
Then mine is the one.

Do you participate in annual gatherings?
And support each other,
In their right and wrong.
And even bunk the class,
To catch the latest movie?
Then mine is the one.

Do you do all the hardships?
For the Monday test.
And rush to complete your assignments,
The very next hour.
Then mine is the one.

Have you ever done your practicals,
All by your own.
And failed to reach the lab.
At the exact time..
Then mine is the one.

Do you have the syllabus?
For the next test.
And your file is left uncompleted.
For the others to be done first?
Then mine is the one.

Do you cry leaving your class?
But hide your assignments from them.
Do you book the seat
For your friends to sit.
Then mine is the one.

Do you rush for the
First day first show movie.
But patiently wait for the teacher.
To finish for the attendance.
Then mine is the one.

Do you have the most studious class?
With the strength of 72?
Each different in their thoughts and actions.
With Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Gujarati or so.
Under a single roof?
Then mine is the one.

Thanks for such a wonderful class,
That no one else have.
And I'll miss being with it.
For the fun and excitement
We all had together.