Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Wonder

There are so many questions,

that spin through my mind,

all of which unanswered,

like why you treat me in such an awful way?

but never had the guts to say,

why you done it to me every day?

you really have no idea,

how much you affected me,

and how damaged I was inside,

it took me nearly a year,

to pull myself together,

and stop all of my tears,

why did you treat me so bad,

and make me feel it was my fault?

I wanted to hate you,

and make you feel hurt,

because of how you made,

me feel like dirt,

how come you never called?

to see if id have you back?

well i guess you had more sense,

but still no feelings,

but you never even asked me,

how i was dealing,

since you tore my world apart,

i had to pick up the pieces all alone,

coz my life was in shreds,

just like my heart,

you didnt even give me a second thought,

my friends say your on the re-bound,

until i tild them what your like,

i just wish it had of been me telling you,

to take the hike,

i may be bitter and i may be sad,

but when i see you now,

i have started to feel glad,

that I m not there,

for you to play me like a clown,

and make me put on a show,

i don't think you ever made me feel good,

the way a girlfriend should,

but never mind it's all in the past,

but i'll never watch you pull another fast,

i now have more laughs,

than you ever will,

even if it's not helped by an anti-depressant pill,

i'm gona make everything in my life worth-while,

coz i'm now the one with the biggest smile :)

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